Who’s on your Treatment Team?
Whether you are working with a QCC case manager or not, there will be a number of professionals who will help you after your injury. You will meet some of them when you are first hospitalized. You will meet others as your treatment continues after you have been released from the hospital.
A typical treatment team has several professionals
Your doctor
His/her longer title is “the physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor.” This person is the quarterback for your team. He/she calls the “plays” by assessing your medical needs and by writing scripts for other services like physical therapy and occupational therapy. Most likely, you first see this doctor when you are in the hospital rehab unit. You continue seeing him/her once you are released. Your QCC case manager will meet with you before your appointments with this doctor and will go with you to all appointments that relate to your accident.
Depending on your needs, you may also see some of the following professionals
Physical therapist
Helps you regain your strength, your coordination, and your balance
Speech therapist
Helps you with any communication problems you may have
Helps you with emotional issues you may be facing and helps you adjust to changes in your life
Occupational therapist
Helps you develop and regain skills that will allow you to be as independent as possible as you go about your daily activities
Vocational therapist
Helps you with skills that will allow you to resume employment.
Recreational therapist
Introduces more stimulation in your everyday environment by helping you renew your interest in former hobbies and by helping you cultivate new ones
Our service to you
Your QCC case manager
Is in regular contact with you and all members of your treatment team.
Makes sure that everyone is “on the same page” and that all your team members know about your needs and concerns.
Meets with you before your appointments with your physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor and will go with you to all appointments that relate to your accident.
QCC case managers are also uniquely qualified to help with the emotional challenges you may be dealing with.